Friday, August 6, 2010

Consumer of Data

Consumer of Data

In our introductory object oriented programming class, we have a discuss about the Graphical User Interface (GUI). In that discuss, we work to differentiate the distinction of the perspectives of the user versus the perspective of the programmer within the context of the usage of the GUI. Specifically, we express the following:

“The GUI from the User’s perspective is a window through which one enters or
receives data. The GUI from the programmer’s perspective is a Form onto which
one adds controls.”

Controls, of course, are anything that is placed on the form (e.g. labels, textboxes, images, buttons, etc.).

More than a differentiation of the roles of the user and the programmer as it applies to the GUI, this distinction also differentiates the roles of the consumer of the data with that of the provider of the data.

It would be a mistake for a consumer to think that because they are touching a technology, and they are a user, then all who touch a technology are equally users. In reality, while there may be an enormous number of user/consumers, there still needs to be a group who are the providers of the technology.

Who are the providers in technology? They are analysts, the programmers, the technicians, and the help desk supporters. They are all those who by their labors make the data available and in a useable fashion so that others may profit.

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